Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI) in the Monitoring of Change of Skin Temperature about Vascular Supply of Lower Abdominal Axial Flap in the Rabbit

Article information

Kosin Med J. 2013;28(2):131-136
Publication date (electronic) : 2013 January 19
doi :
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Kosin University, Busan, Korea
Corresponding author: Yea Sik Han, Department of Plastic Surgery, College of Medicine, Kosin University, 34 Amnam-dong, Seo-gu, Busan, 602-702, Korea TEL: +82-51-990-6131 FAX: +82-51-990-3005 E-mail:
Received 2013 February 08; 2013 July 03; Accepted 2013 July 23.



Eight male New Zealand white rabbits with average weight of 3kg were used. A 10 x 10 cm unipedicled fasciocutaneous island flap was elevated based on the left superficial inferior epigastric vessel. The surface temperatures on designed flap were checked with DITI for 24 hours after the operation. On 14th day after the operation, the surviving area was measured and compared with DITI image which was taken on 24 hours after the operation using digital analysis software ImageJ. Statistical analysis was evaluated by paired T-test


On DITI image 24 hours after the flap elevation, distal portion of the flap showed remarkable color change. The average percentage and the standard deviation of the survival area of the flap which is predicted by DITI and the average percentage and the standard deviation of the survival area of the flap which was actually measured 2 weeks after flap elevation were 55.3 (16.6), 56.2 (18.0), respectively. This shows no significant difference between the two.


Monitoring viability of flap is important. The flap survival depends on the vascularity of the flap, on which the skin temperature depends. The authors applied digital infrared thermographic imaging (DITI) for monitoring the vascular supply of the flap and for the prediction of the prognosis of the flap survival.


Eight male New Zealand white rabbits with average weight of 3kg were used. A 10 x 10 cm unipedicled fasciocutaneous island flap was elevated based on the left superficial inferior epigastric vessel. The surface temperatures on designed flap were checked with DITI for 24 hours after the operation. On 14th day after the operation, the surviving area was measured and compared with DITI image which was taken on 24 hours after the operation using digital analysis software ImageJ. Statistical analysis was evaluated by paired T-test


On DITI image 24 hours after the flap elevation, distal portion of the flap showed remarkable color change. The average percentage and the standard deviation of the survival area of the flap which is predicted by DITI and the average percentage and the standard deviation of the survival area of the flap which was actually measured 2 weeks after flap elevation were 55.3 (16.6), 56.2 (18.0), respectively. This shows no significant difference between the two.


This study shows that DITI system could be used in evaluation of flap vascularity with ease, quickness and safety for patient and flap. Thus, it could be used clinically for the prediction of flap survival.

Fig. 1.

Design and elevation of fasciocutaneous island flap. (A) Preoperative marking of the flap, (B) Intraoperative view of 10 x 10 cm sized left superficial inferior epigastric artery based fasciocutaneous island flap elevation.

Fig. 2.

Post operative 2 weeks view. (A) Flap shows definite distal necrosis with black eschar, its DITI scan (B) which showed color image that higher temperature as more similar to red color. The yellow colored area matched with distal necrotic area of the flap.

Fig. 3.

DITI scan change for pre-operation, POD1, POD7, POD14. (A) Flap image after 2 weeks from surgery, (B) (from left upper to clockwise rotation) which shows DITI scan for pre-operation, POD1, POD7, POD14, there is no significant color change from POD1 to POD14.

Comparison of expected survival area by DITI and measured survival area

Statistical analysis by paired T-test


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Article information Continued

Fig. 1.

Design and elevation of fasciocutaneous island flap. (A) Preoperative marking of the flap, (B) Intraoperative view of 10 x 10 cm sized left superficial inferior epigastric artery based fasciocutaneous island flap elevation.

Fig. 2.

Post operative 2 weeks view. (A) Flap shows definite distal necrosis with black eschar, its DITI scan (B) which showed color image that higher temperature as more similar to red color. The yellow colored area matched with distal necrotic area of the flap.

Fig. 3.

DITI scan change for pre-operation, POD1, POD7, POD14. (A) Flap image after 2 weeks from surgery, (B) (from left upper to clockwise rotation) which shows DITI scan for pre-operation, POD1, POD7, POD14, there is no significant color change from POD1 to POD14.

Table 1.

Comparison of expected survival area by DITI and measured survival area

Case Expected survival area by DITI (%) Measured survival area (%) Accordance rate
1 59.0 64.0 91.5
2 74.6 67.1 89.9
3 39.8 37.4 94.0
4 50.4 58.0 85.2
5 71.9 79.0 90.1
6 33.6 34.0 98.6
7 40.5 36.2 89.6
8 72.9 74.2 98.2
Average 55.3 56.2 92.1

Table 2.

Statistical analysis by paired T-test

Expected survival
area by DITI (%)
Measured survival
area (%)
Mean SD 55.3 (16.6) 56.2 (18.0)
P-value* 0.6 629

Statistical significance was evaluated by paired T-test.