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- Volume 8(2); September 1992
Original articles
- Result of postoperative irradiation for early uterine cervical Cancer(Stage I and II a)
Tae Sig Jeung, Chang Woo Moon, Ha Yong Yum
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):157-170.
- The Prediction of States of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Using Scoring System
Won Kyung Kim, Yoon Jin Kim
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):171-180.
Review article
- Prognostic Significance of Flow Cytometric DNA Analysis in Solid Tumors
Sung Uhn Baek, Yeon Myung Shin, Sung Do Lee
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):181-196.
Case reports
- A Clinical Study of 12 Cases of Uterine Sarcoma
Heung Yeol Kim, Un Dong Park
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):197-206.
- A Case of Perforating Rheumatoid Nodule
Kwang Kim, Young Soo Chae, Kee Suck Suh, Sang Tae Kim
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):207-215.
- A Case of Fanconi Anemia in an Infant with Early Hematologic Manifestation
Seong Hee Park, Kyeong Aa Lee, Jae Sun Park
The Journal of Kosin Medical College. 1992;8(2):225-230.