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Woo-Cho Chung 1 Article
A Case Of Huge Brunner's Gland Adenoma With Acute Bleeding Treated By Endoscopic Resection
Pyung Kang Park, Woo-Cho Chung, Kyoung Yong Lee, Sung Hak Lee, Jae Jung Jang, Seungchul Suh
Kosin Med J. 2015;30(2):171-174.   Published online January 20, 2015
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Brunner's gland adenoma is a rare benign small bowel neoplasm and it represents 10% of small bowel benign tumor. Most of adenoma manifest as polypoidal, multiple and size does not exceed 1 cm and mostly asymptomatic, but the lesion larger than 1 ㎝ is solitary and can cause bleeding, obstruction, intussusception and there are some reports of showing malignant transformation. Until the present, there are two cases of over 8㎝ huge Brunner's gland adenoma in Korea and each of their chief complaint was abdominal discomfort and melena, but there is no case report of over 8 ㎝ Brunner's gland adenoma accompanied with acute bleeding as seen in this case. We diagnosed an 8 ㎝ sized, huge duodenal Brunner's gland adenoma which accompanied with acute bleeding and treated it by endoscopic resection using an IT-knife, successfully.

KMJ : Kosin Medical Journal