- Interpedicular approach in percutaneous sacroplasty for treating pain due to direct invasion of rectal cancer into the S3 body: a case report
Jinseok Yeo, Saeyoung Kim, Chang Sub Lee
Kosin Med J. 2024;39(2):132-137. Published online February 20, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7180/kmj.23.153
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- Percutaneous sacroplasty is mainly used as an intervention for pain associated with sacral insufficiency fractures or sacral metastatic tumors. However, sacroplasty for managing the pain associated with direct sacral invasion of rectal cancer has been rarely reported. We present a case of a 74-year-old patient who underwent sacroplasty via the interpedicular approach under fluoroscopic guidance to relieve pain resulting from direct tumor invasion into the S3 body. After the procedure, the patient experienced immediate pain relief and did not feel worse pain with ambulation. Aside from peritumoral vascular leakage, no other significant complications occurred immediately post-procedure. Our results suggest that fluoroscopically guided interpedicular sacroplasty is a safe and effective option for relieving the pain associated with direct sacral invasion by rectal cancer.