- Comparative Study of an Ondansetron and a Ramosetron an Aprepitant in the Control of Nausea and Vomiting in Gynecologinc Cancer Patient with Chemotherapy
HANGGOO Yun, Heung Yeol Kim, Eun ae Jeh
Kosin Med J. 2013;28(2):115-121. Published online January 19, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7180/kmj.2013.28.2.115
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- Results
The efficacy of controlling nausea with an ondansetron regimen and a ramosetron regimen and an aprepitant regimen was 85.29%, 78.26%, 80% in acute periods (P-value = 0.037) and 88.23%, 98.26%, 87.5% in delayed periods (P-value = 0.000), respectively. The efficacy of controlling vomiting with an ondansetron regimen and a ramosetron regimen and an aprepitant regimen and an ondansetron regimen was 82.35%, 97.3%, 90% in acute periods (P-value=0.002) and 82.35%, 100%, 95% in delayed periods (P-value = 0.000), respectively. The common adverse effects in each groups were not significantly.
ConclusionsAppropriate to each patient’s symptoms, the choice of drugs will be needed since each of the drugs have different effects on vomiting. Even though the each antiemetic drug has good efficacy, the effect of the drug is not complete. Therefore the use of additional drugs are also needed.
ObjectivesChemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting is most distressing adversed effects in gynecologic cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. we compared effectiveness of ondansetron and ramosetron and aprepitant for optimal antiemetic treatment in gynecologic cancer patient receiving chemotherapy.
MethodsThe study was performed retrospective on 189 patients who was diagnosed initially the gynecological cancer during chemotherapy at Kosin university hospital between January 2008 and December 2010. The efficacy of controlling acute/delayed nausea and vomiting were analyzed by counting numbers of nausea and vomiting reported in medical records of 189 patient receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA and Fisher’s exact chi-square test.
ResultsThe efficacy of controlling nausea with an ondansetron regimen and a ramosetron regimen and an aprepitant regimen was 85.29%, 78.26%, 80% in acute periods (P-value = 0.037) and 88.23%, 98.26%, 87.5% in delayed periods (P-value = 0.000), respectively. The efficacy of controlling vomiting with an ondansetron regimen and a ramosetron regimen and an aprepitant regimen and an ondansetron regimen was 82.35%, 97.3%, 90% in acute periods (P-value=0.002) and 82.35%, 100%, 95% in delayed periods (P-value = 0.000), respectively. The common adverse effects in each groups were not significantly.
ConclusionsAppropriate to each patient’s symptoms, the choice of drugs will be needed since each of the drugs have different effects on vomiting. Even though the each antiemetic drug has good efficacy, the effect of the drug is not complete. Therefore the use of additional drugs are also needed.